How Are Companies Going Green: 11 Actionable Strategies

In today’s world, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their goods and services. As a result, many companies are starting to recognize the importance of going green and implementing sustainability practices. 

Fortunately, companies can use many actionable strategies to make a positive environmental impact while benefiting their bottom line. In this article, we’ll explore strategies companies can utilize to go green, ranging from renewable energy sources to waste reduction and everything in between. 

By adopting these strategies, companies can reduce their environmental impact, attract socially conscious consumers, and boost their reputation as responsible corporate citizens. So, let’s dive in and explore how companies are going green.

1. Implementing a Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Companies are taking responsibility for their environmental impact and are committing to reducing their carbon footprint. A sustainable supply chain ensures that the materials used to make products are sourced responsibly and with minimal environmental harm. 

Companies now partner with eco-conscious suppliers committed to reducing waste and using sustainable practices. This partnership can lead to using renewable energy, reducing harmful chemicals, and creating closed-loop systems to reduce waste. 

Companies positively impact the environment and society by implementing sustainable supply chain management. This approach benefits the planet and can enhance a company’s reputation and improve customer loyalty.

2. Promoting Telecommuting and Remote Work

Companies now significantly reduce the energy and resources needed to power a physical office by allowing employees to work from home. This includes everything from electricity and heating to transportation and waste disposal.

Additionally, telecommuting and remote work can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, significantly impacting the environment. 

By eliminating the need for daily commutes, companies can reduce their overall carbon emissions and promote a more sustainable way of doing business. This benefits the environment and can improve work-life balance for employees and boost productivity.

3. Prioritizing Eco-Friendly Packaging

As consumers become more aware of their environmental impact, companies prioritize eco-friendly packaging. From biodegradable materials to reusable containers, there are several options for companies to choose from when packaging their products more sustainably.

Some companies have started using packaging made from recycled materials, such as cardboard or paper, to reduce waste and lessen their carbon footprint. Others opt for biodegradable materials that break down naturally over time, like compostable plastics or plant-based packaging. 

Reusable containers, such as refillable glass jars or metal tins, are also becoming more popular. Aside from the environmental benefits, eco-friendly packaging can also appeal to consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions. 

In fact, studies have shown that consumers are willing to pay more for products that are packaged in environmentally-friendly materials.

4. Embracing Circular Economy Principles

In a circular economy, the aim is to minimize waste and maximize the use of resources by creating closed-loop systems where waste materials are reused or repurposed. The benefits of adopting circular economy principles are numerous. 

Not only does it promote environmental sustainability, but it can also lead to cost savings and increased efficiency. Companies embrace this approach by rethinking their products and processes to reduce waste and optimize resource use. 

For example, some companies are exploring ways to design products that can be easily repaired, refurbished, or recycled. This allows companies to reduce their environmental impact while creating new business opportunities. 

Companies that embrace this approach can also benefit from enhanced brand reputation, as consumers increasingly look for products and services that align with their values. 

5. Investing in Green Building Practices

Green buildings are designed to minimize the use of resources, reduce waste, and enhance the overall health and productivity of the people who work or live in them.

One popular example of green building practices is LEED certification. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a certification program that promotes sustainability in building design, construction, and operation. 

Companies that invest in LEED certification can benefit from reduced energy costs, improved employee health and productivity, and enhanced brand image. As the importance of sustainability continues to grow, more and more companies are embracing green building practices as a smart investment in their future.

6. Engaging in Carbon Offsetting

Many companies have begun using carbon offsetting to reduce their carbon footprint and go green. Carbon offsetting involves purchasing carbon credits or investing in projects that reduce carbon emissions, such as renewable energy or reforestation. 

By offsetting their emissions, companies can mitigate their environmental impact and work towards sustainability. Some companies even go as far as implementing a carbon neutrality goal, striving to balance their emissions by investing in offsetting measures.

Carbon offsetting is a positive step towards corporate responsibility and a healthier planet.

7. Encouraging Employee Sustainability Initiatives

As more and more companies recognize the for going green, they are looking to their employees to help lead the charge. Encouraging employee sustainability initiatives can take many forms, from recycling programs to volunteer opportunities for environmental organizations.

 Companies may offer incentives or recognition for employees who create creative solutions for reducing waste or conserving resources. By involving their employees in sustainability efforts, companies help reduce their environmental impact and create a sense of community and engagement among their staff.

8. Embracing Zero Waste for Business Ethics

​​More and more companies are realizing the importance of going green and adopting sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. Embracing zero waste for business ethics has become a popular approach to reducing waste and promoting sustainability. 

Companies are implementing practices like reducing packaging, using recycled materials and composting organic waste to reduce waste output

Embracing zero waste benefits the environment and aligns with businesses’ ethical values. It is a win-win situation for both the company and the planet.

9. Reevaluating Energy Sources

As companies become increasingly aware of their environmental impact, many reevaluate their energy sources to go green. This means looking beyond traditional energy sources such as coal and oil and exploring options like solar, wind, and hydropower

By transitioning to these sustainable energy sources, companies reduce their carbon footprint and reliance on nonrenewable resources. Additionally, many companies are exploring reducing their overall energy usage by implementing energy-efficient practices and equipment. 

This shift towards sustainable energy sources is good for the environment and can save companies money in the long run.

10. Promoting Sustainable Transportation

Many companies are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, and one effective strategy is promoting sustainable transportation. This can include incentives for employees to carpool, offering discounts for public transportation, or even encouraging biking or walking to work. 

In addition to benefiting the environment, promoting sustainable transportation can improve employee health and reduce traffic congestion. Companies prioritizing sustainable transportation contribute to a healthier planet and create a culture of responsibility and sustainability within their organization.

11. Hosting or Supporting a Green-Cause Event

Companies are proactively approaching going green by hosting or supporting green-cause events. This raises awareness of environmental issues and allows companies to showcase their commitment to sustainability. 

These events range from beach cleanups to planting trees and partnering with non-profit organizations to promote environmental conservation. 

Besides promoting eco-friendly practices, hosting or supporting green-cause events can strengthen a company’s brand identity and enhance its public image. It’s a win-win situation for both the environment and the business.

going green - biotrux


What is an important tip for companies that want to go green?

A critical suggestion for businesses wanting to go green is to begin with a thorough sustainability assessment. Businesses can use an assessment to identify areas with the most environmental effect and prioritize their sustainability actions accordingly. 

This assessment will support the creation of a roadmap for the business’s transition to sustainability, clear targets, benchmarks, and metrics.

Why is it important for a company to go green?

Firstly, it helps mitigate the environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions. 

Additionally, going green can lead to cost savings through energy efficiency measures, waste reduction, and optimized resource usage. 

Moreover, embracing sustainability aligns with the values and expectations of stakeholders and helps future-proof the business in a rapidly changing world.

What companies should go green?

Every company across all industries has a role to play in going green. Sustainability is a universal responsibility, and companies of all sizes and sectors can contribute to a greener future.

What are some examples of green companies?

Examples of green companies include Patagonia, an outdoor apparel brand committed to environmental conservation and fair labor practices. In addition, Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer, is leading the way in zero-emission transportation and renewable energy solutions.

Ready To Go Green?

In conclusion, going green is not just a trend but a must for any company serious about staying relevant and positively impacting the environment. Implementing sustainable practices can be challenging, but it can also bring numerous benefits, including cost savings, improved brand image, and increased customer loyalty.

Going green companies use various strategies, from investing in renewable energy and reducing waste to adopting eco-friendly packaging and promoting eco-friendly transportation. However, the most effective strategy is integrating sustainability into the company’s culture, vision, and mission.

Therefore, as a business owner or leader, it is crucial to prioritize sustainability for the sake of the environment and your business. Being green requires commitment and effort. However, it can lead to significant long-term benefits for your company, customers, and the planet.

If you are still in doubt, find out if going green is worth it.

Thanks for reading.