When your electricity bill experiences an unexpected surge, it is normal to ask yourself why it is so high. Does this mean you overuse essential appliances like TVs, refrigerators, ovens, or air conditioners?
If you think in this direction, you are not far from getting an answer. However, there is a tiny plot twist to how the electricity bill works. Utility providers charge based on unique standards or estimates (kWh).
For example, if the estimate for usage within 900 kWh is $135 per month, it does not matter if you use 900 kWh or 999 kWh; the bill will be the same.
However, once you exceed this estimate, you have activated the next one, and a new fee will be sent. These regulations are also a primary reason homes, and retail stores are not rated equally.
Moving forward in this guide, you will learn about the common culprits of high electricity bills in homes or retail stores and how to manage them effectively.
Common Reasons for High Electricity Bill

1. Different billing period
The number of days in your billing period can vary from month to month. If your utility provider charges you based on the number of days in the month, you might get a higher bill if the current month has extra days.
To confirm if the billing period is responsible for this inflation, you can compare the billing period on your current invoice with the previous one.
2. Amplified usage due to visitors
If the number of people in your home suddenly increases due to a ceremony or holiday, it is almost inevitable for your power bill not to increase.
This is because more people in the house means more devices to charge, more clothes to wash, and more showers, to name a few.
In other words, there will be an increase in the usage of appliances, which will ultimately reflect on your bill.
3. You’re on the wrong user plan
Utility providers most times grade users based on their monthly average. This is a major reason why there are plans such as low users and standard users.
If you are on the wrong plan, you may be paying too much for electricity. To confirm which plan your home or store belongs to, check the “supply address” section on the invoice.
4. Change in weather
Weather is another primary reason why household electricity bills generally increase. During winter, more power is channeled towards heating your home.
Also, if you live in the warmer side of a country, you can expect to channel more electricity to cooling systems like air conditioners.
The best way to reduce or maintain your electric bill, irrespective of the season, is to consider how to keep your home comfortable all year round without electricity.
Such measures include investing in quality insulation, opening your curtains to allow for better ventilation, and reducing moisture in the air.
5. Outdated appliances still in use
The good thing about technology is that it keeps finding ways to manufacture energy-efficient devices every day. So, if you are the type who only upgrades a device when it fails, it would be best to get a modern and energy-efficient one next time.
This way, you can progressively minimize electricity consumption.
6. Outstanding on a previous bill
Your electricity bill can also become higher than usual because you are yet to offset outstanding payments on previous bills. In this case, the outstanding fee must have been added to your latest bill, resulting in the unusual figure you see.
7. Home renovations or extensions
Renovating or revamping an existing apartment requires additional lighting, heating, cooling, and other power-hungry devices.
These extra devices will increase the electricity usage in such a space, increasing how much you pay for electricity.
Tips for Avoiding a High Electricity Bill
Checking and correcting the aforementioned possibilities would be a bold first step towards avoiding high electricity bills. Other effective tips include:
- Installing a smart thermostat to optimize temperature during summer and winter. This device helps with switching on your AC only when necessary.
- Prioritize energy-efficient habits such as running the dishwasher less frequently. Engaging this device at night is best, especially when energy demand is lower.
- You can also go solar if your bills keep elevating. Solar helps you save money on utility bills since renewable energy is readily accessible and cheaper than ever.
What uses the most electricity in the home?
Home appliances that consume the most electricity include air conditioners, dryers, washing machines, and dishwashers.
What uses electricity at night?
Some devices use current as long as they are plugged in, regardless of their usage status.
Examples are microwaves, traditional lamps, stereo players, and coffee makers.
Is electricity cheaper at weekends?
No, electricity is not cheaper at weekends because energy suppliers will charge you the same rate every day.
You can only reduce your consumption on weekends to see if it will affect your monthly bill.
There are a lot of factors that may be responsible for an increase in electricity bills. When such events occur, the first thing to do is check out the possible reasons listed above.
In cases where none of them checks out as the culprit, you should consider contacting your utility provider. Additionally, you can practice alternative ways that do not involve electricity at intervals.
I hope you found this guide helpful. Perhaps you would like to reduce how much power goes into keeping food warm. Check out my guide on how to keep food warm without electricity.
Thanks for reading.